The Chekhov Collective
Theatrical Readings of Literary Works
For the past few years, The Chekhov Collective has presented Theatrical Readings of Literary Works, focusing on the short stories of Anton Chekhov.
At the heart of theatre is storytelling, and our theatrical readings are a form of story theatre - like a theatrical pop-up book. Initially the actors read from their stand, allowing the audience’s imagination to paint the scene. The actors then lightly lift the story off the page, using their body, voice and imagination to create relationships, atmosphere and the rich world of Anton Chekhov.
To date, we have presented five short stories: The Lady With A Little Dog, The Grasshopper, The Darling, The Fiancee and most recently Enemies.
We are plotting our next short story. Until then ….
“It was magical. That room was completely transformed. I was so taken away.”
“What a beautiful and tender reading last night. Full of some kind of large generous sense of humour and pathos. I was hanging on every word.”
“I really like the page to stage format. I feel more connected to the actors, and even with simple stage actions, the images were vivid and complete.”
“It was "only" a staged reading but demonstrated how moving and pleasurable a small production with no special lights or effects can be.”
“The actors were extraordinary and it was beautifully directed. I forgot how much I love Chekhov’s story and how funny they are. Such vivid characters and you could not have chosen a better trio to embody the wit, humour and banality of them.”
“My heart filled with happiness close up to the actors, laughing behind my mask, clapping my hands enthusiastically at the end with tears in my eyes.”
‘‘What a pleasure to watch your wonderful actors tell Chekov’s story so beautifully! And your creative direction really brought the story to life. A great evening. We were soothed by the story telling and engaged by the performances. Can’t wait to see the next one”
“What a wonderful evening last night! The three performers were fabulous and I loved the easy way that the piece flowed from a reading to a performance seamlessly. It was all very enjoyable! “
“It was effortlessly told, in such a delightful way. I felt like a kid being read a beautiful story.”
“It was in a medium I have never quite seen before, half acting and half narrative; done with a light touch, understating the acting when the narrative was strong, but succeeding through your acting to bring parts of the narrative to life. At the end, though, it still felt like a story rather than a play, and we got to hear Chekhov’s voice directly.”
“So many gleaming precious gems. I loved hearing and seeing the story within the delicate framework you built. It was double enchantment to be led by Chekov’s master layering of details and the beautifully placed ingenuity of the actors.”
Past Readings
From a Distance
Past Productions
What People Are Saying
“Could there be anything more sublime that experiencing mastery and passion of committed artists sharing their love and understanding of Chekhov.”
— DC Theatre Scene
“The Chekhov ethos culminates in a revelatory production …”
— National Post
“The Chekhov Collective handles Chekhov with a lightness of tone that allows poignant truths to rise to the surface.”
— Mooney on Theatre
“Everything in this play, with all its longing and loss, feels current”
— Broadway World
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